COLLOQUIUM Cora Uhlemann, Bielefeld University
Wann: Mi, 12.02.2025, 14:00 Uhr bis 15:30 Uhr
Wo: Hamburg Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112, 21029 Hamburg, Bibliothek
Probing cosmology beyond the average with 1-point statistics
Nonlinear gravitational collapse shaped the cosmic web of galaxies and created a plethora of different density environments. To realise the full potential of galaxy surveys like Euclid and Rubin LSST, we need to dissect different density environments that are lumped together in traditional two-point statistics. This is particularly important for detecting extensions of LCDM including massive neutrinos, dynamical dark energy and modified gravity. I will show that one-point statistics not only provide information complementary to common two-point statistics, but also allow for accurate theoretical predictions. I will explain how the cosmology dependence of one-point probability distribution of dark matter densities can be predicted from first principles and translated to galaxy clustering and weak lensing and observables.
Talk in presence and via Zoom: